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FIT7502 LLC d/b/a Assess2Perform develops & markets movement sensor and app driven solution for sport & human performance applications. The company headquarters is Assess2Perform - 1935 13th St, Unit A - Steamboat Springs CO - USA. Contact us for any distributor inquiries or other business collaborations.
Assess2Perform is a d/b/a for FIT7502 LLC, which licenses the original A2P technology from Assess2Perform LLC, which continues to produce and market products based on the same technology under the name QBW LLC,

About Us

The Assess2Perform team has the experience, attention to detail, and drive to bring innovation to fitness technology. Our goal is to provide useful feedback for your training, information to help you reach your physical performance and lifestyle movement goals.

Our Founders have been directly involved in the fitness technology market since 2004, specializing in the area of performance feedback. We have experience in the markets of strength and conditioning, sports science, cycling, and running. Past start-up success includes a sale to a major consumer electronics company. Our Founding team also includes over a decade of experience in software app development.

Our advisory team is a group of respected individuals coming from professional team athletics, academics, healthcare, and sport performance coaching.


The company name Assess2Perform is a direct reflection of our vision to provide information based training to motivate and improve results. From the elite athlete to the passionate amateur, we are here to make a difference with your training time and results. We strive to package this solution together with quality, ease of use, accuracy, and affordability.

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